The Series 9 and Ultra 2 without those features will go on sale in the morning on Thursday, January 18th. The move came in response to an import ban handed down by the US International Trade Commission, which ruled in October that Apple infringed on patents for pulse oximetry tech made by Masimo, a medical device maker. This would mean Apple can no longer import and sell its newest Apple Watch models in the US. The company is already trying to come up with a solution to avoid the ban, but it might take a while until the dispute is completely resolved.
If you want to keep up with all the latest on Apple’s legal battle, check out the news below. Highlights Apple Watches without banned blood oxygen features are now on sale Why the Apple Watch is being banned — and how Brazil Mobile Number List Apple can avoid it Victoria Song FEB 2 VICTORIA SONG Tim Cook nixes the idea of licensing Masimo’s blood oxygen tech.Despite mixed earnings, Tim Cook doesn’t seem to be sweatin’ the Apple Watch ban. Apple Insider spotted Cook telling CNBC on a live broadcast that it’s “focused on appeal” and that customers have “lots of reasons to buy the watch even without the blood oxygen sensor.” Masimo CEO Joe Kiani has publicly said he hasn’t heard from Apple about potentially licensing the company’s blood oxygen tech. However, this is the first time we’ve seen Cook officially confirming it.
Apple won't license Masimo's patents despite Apple Watch import ban [APPLEINSIDER] Wes Davis JAN 28 WES DAVIS You might want to be extra careful with your pre-ban Apple Watch.If you got a Series 9 or Ultra 2 before Apple had to remove the blood oxygen feature from new ones on January 17th, congrats! But if you break your watch doing parkour and replace it with AppleCare, will you lose the feature? That’s a “definite maybe,” according to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman. He wrote today in the subscriber version of Power On that Apple has told AppleCare reps that replacements might not have it.