All about an effective tool for development AlexanderArmand How to give and receive feedback:a guide to feedback Imagine a situation: a person needs to draw a picture withhis eyes closed. Something will turn out, but what exactly is not known. That'show professionals feel when they don't get feedback. They continue to performtasks, but there is no understanding whether they are doing it well or badly.Or vice versa: they hear only about the disadvantages or advantages of thework. Motivation gradually decreases and the desire to achieve resultsdisappears, because everything is already very bad or very good.
According to statistics , 96% of respondents want USA Email List to receiveregular feedback on their work. Therefore, if it seems to you that there is noone to give feedback to, the article will still be useful to you. OS should bereceived not only by specialists, but also by colleagues, managers or clients.The article talked about how to give and receive feedback so that you do notwant to give up. What is feedback and how does it work Feedback is the reactionof one person to the action or inaction of another. The purpose of feedback isto correct the behavior of the person to whom it is given.
Feedback is feedback only if it is addressed to the personwhose behavior needs to be changed. OS is of several types. Zero The absence ofany reaction is also feedback. Any person who loves his job wants to getbetter. But with zero feedback, he falls into an information vacuum. This leadsto: a person does not understand how he copes with work; continues to performtasks by inertia; gradually loses motivation and starts to either work worse orrefuse tasks. Positive This is one of the most effective ways of non-materialmotivation .