Today and in the future, the devices and languages with which a programmer will begin his journey in the world of software development will be different; However, the feeling of enjoying will continue to exist in the same way. Professionally, when you start developing applications, in general, and especially if you are focused on the development of management applications, you yourself will realize that knowing how to design a database is essential for your work.
The influence of good database design on backend programming, business rules and the interface is absolute. Essential guide to being a good analystprogrammer. TI and ZX SpectrumK If you have a welldesigned database, ev Senegal WhatsApp Number en if you don't do a great job on the interface, your application will work well, however the opposite is not possible, if the database design is bad, it doesn't matter what work you do on it. interface will not be good. Professionally, I was lucky that in my first job I participated in an application development team to manage the billing of an important business group, which at that time already had more than companies.
The project was developed on an IBM AS system with RPG II language. In the team we had an analyst in charge of acting as a bridge between the client and the programmers, there I discovered the importance of that role, a person who did not program but who decided how to structure the database, defined the interfaces and managed the development progress. of the application.